The Theatrics of London




Jenine Jarrar

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello! <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> James Madison University <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2023 <i>Destination city & country:</i> London, England <i>Program provider:</i> JMU <i>Major/minor:</i> English / Creative Writing & British Communications <i>Demographics:</i> Middle Eastern/North African, First woman to attend college in the family <i>Future career aspirations:</i> My future goal is to become an editor of children's literature! <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> 1. Immerse myself in the communities and culture of a new place. 2. Visit historical sites, such as Shakespeare's Globe theater! 3. Learn new things about my British literature course curriculum through my surroundings.

The London Theatre

This week is the first official week of classes in our study abroad program. I have noticed such vast differences in the style of learning while abroad that I previously had in a classroom. I feel that I have had more first-hand accounts of history in the last week than maybe ever before. One of my personal favorite mediums is the art of theatre. I am enrolled in a theatre course through my program, which allows us to see so many different types of shows that we wouldnโ€™t have the opportunity to see otherwise. This Monday, we traveled as a group to see Life of Pi at Wyndham theater. I can confidently say it was one of the most intricate and beautiful performances I have ever seen. The way the stage and props brought the story to life was extraordinary.

The following night, my friends and I ventured to The Victoria Palace Theater for a performance of the widely critically acclaimed show Hamilton. Seeing this particular play in London was quite funny, because the plot of the show circles around the revolutionary war, and accounts events of the war between Britain and America, and includes satirical songs making fun of the monarchy. Especially during the current climate of life in England, it was certainly impactful to see this show. Luckily, the audience found the jokes about their government comical and not offensive.

I have noticed that life moves very fast here. Even just walking down the street, everyone seems to be very fast-paced and in a hurry to get where they need to go. I have found myself settling into the pace of my surroundings. It is valuable to live in new places and exercise parts of your body and mind that you may not ordinarily do if you never branch out. For example, I now average walking about seven miles a day, because that is just how life moves here. Walking everywhere has helped me to learn the city Iโ€™m living in and observe everything around me as I stroll to my next destination. I look forward to the new places my feet take me this upcoming week.