Taiwan – Tainan Visit





Due to Tomb’s Sweeping/Children’s Day, we all had a 4 day weekend off of work and school. Coincidentally, on this same weekend, my friend was opening a new pizza restaurant in Tainan. So, I decided to go down to Tainan ๅฐๅ— and get some much needed sun!



Being separated by a mere 6hr road trip, while the culture in Tainan seem similar to the culture in Taipei, many in the south of Taiwan maintain close connections to their Fujian ็ฆๅปบ or aboriginal roots. Also, due to the fact that the society is primarily agriculturally-based, people are more connected to the land. There is a general consensus in Taiwan that people in the south are warmer and more hospitable. Quite often, in Tainan, many of the religious practices and traditions, unique to Taiwan, are still practiced. For example, pole dances at funerals, “betel-nut ladies,” boat burning, and “fire cracker festivals.”



Around this time of year, people tend to travel down south during this holiday to escape the oppressive rainy and cold weather of the north