Studying In South Korea: The Prequel


โ€œWho in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.โ€

~ Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderland

Hello! My name is Paola Campos and I am a mathematics major at Stanislaus State University in California. As a Mexican, first-generation, female in STEM, I strive to make the most of the various opportunities education and academia have to offer. Over the course of my undergraduate career, I have completed research in various fields including mathematics education, extremal combinatorics, and applied statistics research. I have had the amazing opportunity to conduct research in the fields of Costa Rica, to work alongside leading researchers in the field of biostatistics, and to present my research at national conferences that promote diversity in STEM. In the future, I aspire to attend a graduate program in applied statistics and/or data science, where I can continue learning about different statistical models and their applications to solve problems of interest in my community. 

Ultimately, my education has opened unparalleled doors for me and has allowed me to simultaneously learn about the technical and social aspects of the world around me. I am grateful to now have the opportunity to study abroad at Yonsei University in South Korea during the spring of 2024. Studying abroad has proven to be an invaluable experience that has allowed me to grow both academically and become more self-aware of the values of people around me as well as my own. 

Thus, I hope the following recounts of my experiences alongside the lessons learned can provide a brief overview of the amazing story that was my study abroad experience in South Korea. Alongside this, I hope these posts can answer some questions and provide a guideline for anybody interested in studying abroad in South Korea. Thank you for reading and enjoy!