




One of my greatest blessings while being in Ghana is having the opportunity to visit and become a part of a Ghanaian family.  Before coming to Ghana I was an actively made clothing and jewelry, but wished to sharpen my skills. A few weeks ago I meet Auntie Jane, a seamstress that comes to my hostel to sew clothing for the international students. Initially we started talking strictly because of business, I designed a skirt that to would be sewn with bright orange and blue fabric. But as most conversations with me go, there is no absence of laughter and jokes.  After some short time I befriended her and her brother . I informed her that I loved to sew at home, so she invited me to sew with her on Tuesdays.

                So far I have sewn a jumper, maxi skirt, and maxi dress. I am absolutely loving the things I have made. Sewing and cooking with Jane and her family have definitely become the highlight of my week. I have learned to cook banku with pepper and tilapia, rice balls with groundnut soup and goat, and red red with fried plantains. And yes I know what you are thinking, it is absolutely delicious!! Whatโ€™s on the menu for this week? Jollof rice and beef (YUM!!) Plus I am making a pair of wrap pants. More pictures to come. 

Camirra Williamson

Hello! My name is Camirra and I am a sophomore at North Carolina State University. Currently I am majoring in middle school science education. When Iโ€™m not in class, mentoring, or snacking Iโ€™m usually exploring one of my many hobbies. My interest includes sewing, African- American literature, fitness/ health, cooking, jewelry making, and my most recent venture, karate. Some would say I dabble in lots of things because Iโ€™m easily bored, but I like to think of myself as a Renaissance woman. As a future teacher I strive to be globally aware, culturally sensitive, and well rounded. Studying abroad is important to me because I believe that exposure to various lifestyles will help me understand and connect with my students and their families. Thanks to FEA, Fall 2013 I will be spending an entire semester at the University of Ghana in Legon. I look forward to bargaining in markets, eating spicy foods, and volunteering at a local orphanage. Honestly, I have never been out of the country or even flown on a plane! This experience is a complete step out of my comfort zone. However I am super excited because I know my time in Ghana will be a wonderful life changing experience. From now until I leave Iโ€™ll be saving up money for buckets of mosquito spray, stockpiling on sunscreen to battle the blazing sun, and praying I get a window seat on the 22 hour plane ride!