Social Media Managing Life






When I came into this internship, I only had a little bit of an idea of what it would all entail. I never really knew much about social media, but I knew it was a skill I would need if I wanted to be in the fashion industry. I have been able to work on a lot of projects that gave me a taste of social media that I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. I was able to start working on content with a company that already had a following! Here’s a brief look at what all I do as a Social Media Intern!

Instagram and Facebook

When people think of social media, Instagram and Facebook is typically the first thing people thinks about. My normal day consists of checking all the replies on our posts within Instagram and Facebook, as well as planning a week ahead for our future posts. This is something that is typically expected for social media, but the more exciting things are beyond that.

We sometimes end up having collaborations, and these collaborations can be with several different types of people. We have had collaborations with musicians, influencers, other designers, etc. These collaborations can boost engagement rates for both involved, as long as it is done correctly.

It is a balancing act on both sides, although we want it to be mutually beneficial, the way you word things and how you market something can shift the balance really easily. Social media itself for a company is like walking on a tight rope, with only a vague sense of what’s below. You never really know how the algorithm works, and while of course there is a right way to reply to people, you must always take into account everything as to how one might interpret your message.

There is no tone through simple text, so anything can be taken the wrong way. It is really rewarding however, to bring the right information to those in need, as well as seeing the results of collaborations and the posts you create.

Newsletters and e-commerce

Along with social media managing, there is also the marketing side of things which involve different forms of media. One that is extremely important is newsletters and campaigns.

The newsletters I create can range from letting people know we have a new collaboration, to new products just landing, as well as the sales and promotions we have. Newsletter websites allows you to keep track of open rates, click rates, and if anyone bought products from the website directly from the newsletter link.

Another important part of marketing is paid campaigns. These campaigns are typically found on social media that I previously mentioned, as well as some others depending on the company. We specifically use Facebook for paid campaigns, and we work with those who specialize in campaigns for companies. We get reports from them to show which demographics are most likely to buy from us, as well as things such as location and profit made.

valuable lessons

Through this internship, I am able to bring skills that are necessary for many companies. These skills are the most valuable thing you can gain, along with the lessons that come along with it. I am also able to show what I have worked on, because the posts I have created, the newsletters I have sent, are all apart of the company I have interned for.

It is something others can refer to when they are looking at prospective candidates for positions within the industry. This gives me more confidence in myself, and in my skills, as well as my ability to work for other companies. I have two more weeks left, and I am going to make the most of it!

Veronica Nicole

*The Intern Group Access Partner Scholarship <i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hello! <i>University</i>: West Virginia University <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2019 <i>Destination</i>: London, England <i>Program Provider</i>: The Intern Group <i>Major / Minor</i>: Fashion / Business Administration, Women and Gender Studies, LGBTQ Studies <i>Demographic background</i>: First-Generation, Trans woman, LGBTQ <i>Future career aspirations</i>: Fashion stylist / Advocate <i>Top 3 goals for study abroad</i>: To gain skills to be able to go farther within the fashion industry. To network with people to establish my own career path. To make connections with LGBTQ communities worldwide.