Slow Eating In Italy


Kamari Gouin

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Ciao <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> Florida SouthWestern State College <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2022 <i>Destination city & country:</i> Florence, Italy <i>Program provider:</i> Florida SouthWestern State College <i>Major/minor:</i> Psychology <i>Demographics:</i> African American/Black, First-Generation College Student, Community College Student <i>Future career aspirations:</i> My future career goals include practicing therapy as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Counseling. I have interests in higher education, so I'm heavily considering becoming a professor. I have also considered working in student affairs/ success because of my interest in advocacy and student engagement. <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> The top three goals I hope to achieve while studying abroad are: 1. Further my understanding of how cultural immersion correlates to cultural competency. I enjoy learning about cultures, and I enjoy communication. I plan to marry the two interests by studying intercultural communication in Florence, Italy. My hopes are to 2. Explore Florence, Italy, and the cities surrounding it. I've always had the goal of traveling, and I fully intend to explore as much of Italy as I can. 3. Adapt to foreign culture and customs by applying the transition skills I've developed thus far. Adapting to new environments has always been a challenge for me. However, college has allowed me to develop transition skills that have equipped me to adapt to new environments. I hope to challenge myself and strengthen these skills by adapting to a new environment abroad.

Friday, June 10th: Slow Eating In Italy

On Friday last week, we took a day trip to northern Italy to take a balsamic vinegar tour. As part of our trip, we attended a group lunch at Ristorante Corte Degli Ulivi. Here is where I experienced slow eating for the first time. Slow eating refers to eating customs that are closely tied to Italian culture. In Italy, food is seen as a communal experience that encourages not only quality of food but also quality time. This approach to food and dining was quite a culture shock.

Before our meal began, the dean of students at Ldm (a native Italian) warned us to โ€œtake it slow.โ€ “Donโ€™t fill up on the bread,โ€ he said, motioning to the basket of freshly baked warm bread. He explained that there was much more food to come (seeing as we would be having a three-course meal that evening).

The first course served was tortellini. The waiters came out with large pans serving each participant a small portion of tortellini and lasagna. When I initially saw the portion size, I was shocked because our portion sizes in America are typically significantly larger. I was worried that Il wouldnโ€™t feel satiated, but I was quickly proved wrong when the waiters came out with more pans of tortellini and lasagna, eager to serve us seconds and thirds. This theme carried on throughout the entire dining experience. We were served gnocco fritto and cured meats for our second course along with bread, lard, and Nutella. Finally, for our last course, we were served deserts quickly followed by limoncello to cleanse our palettes.

I was not only full but satisfied by the end of our meal. The food and social interaction combined together created an immersive experience with food that Iโ€™d never had before. In America, where the fast-food industry is large and most prevalent, service is often oriented around speed instead of around the experience itself. For Americans, if things arenโ€™t timely the service isnโ€™t great. Whereas with slow eating, dinner is about more than getting your plate of food fast but instead about enjoying the food and the company around you.

This style of eating is something, I enjoyed, although it was different from what Iโ€™m used to.

Although this eating style was different from what Iโ€™m used to, I immensely enjoyed the experience. I loved being able to relax and take my time while eating. It was also nice to know that I had a sense of control over my food. I could quickly tell the waiter that I was finished if I didn’t want more. If I did want more, I could signal the waiter to serve me seconds. If I wanted to take a break in between, I knew that a waiter would most likely come around a few more times with fresh pans of food, offering more food to those who wished to indulge more.