

Chenyu Wei

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> ู…ุฑุญุจุง <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> Boston University <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2023 <i>Destination city & country:</i> Amman, Jordan & Kibbutz Ketura, Israel <i>Program provider:</i> CET Academic Programs & Arava Institute for Environmental Studies <i>Major/minor:</i> History & MENA Studies / Arabic <i>Demographics:</i> Asian/Asian American, Immigrant, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student, Transfer Student <i>Future career aspirations:</i> As an officer candidate for the United States Air Force, I plan to further utilize my language skill in both Arabic and Mandarin Chinese in my career within the armed forces serving in intelligence or investigation-based field. I've also planned to further my regional and language studies within graduate-level institutions such as the Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Services program while I'm serving in the Air Force. I will continue to commit to my language expert in possible transition into the Foreign Affairs Officer career field within the Air Force, which requires a high level of aptitude in a foreign language to further US national interest in my assigned focused region. Furthermore, if I voluntarily decide to not pursue a military career, I'm also interested in a transition into the many federal agencies that share a parallel mission to my military service experience and goal of national security as well as global cooperation and peace. <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> 1. Fully fluent in the Arabic language and Jordanian culture, able to communicate without any barriers when exchanging with native speakers. 2. Seek to further understand the complex nature of Middle Eastern geopolitics through internships, volunteering, and direct engagement with the local population. 3. Assisting, understanding, and engaging in meaningful solutions to the environmental inequalities in the Levant region through Arava Institute for Environmental Studies' Track II Forum for Environmental Studies and volunteering for Ruwwad Al-Tanmeya's mission to assist economically and opportunistically disenfranchised communities in Amman through building initiatives and facilitating redress of the key problems in those communities.

Having lived in Jordan for the past six months has been a peculiar experience and one of the most impactful adventures of my lifetime. Although I traveled to Jordan with the goal of becoming fluent in Arabic, in return, I’ve gained great knowledge not only about the Arabic language but also the Jordanian and Islamic culture and its inherent beauty. Living in a foreign environment was especially difficult in the beginning, as language and cultural barriers often presented themselves as one of the greatest obstacles to true immersion. My expectations of Jordan were also far more different from the start as many Jordanians in reality, were quite fluent in English, and communication wasn’t as much of a problem for day-to-day activities. Living abroad was also made easier with the support from the program and my fellow American peers who also lived close to me. As my Arabic slowly improved, daily communications also became more fluid, and my ability to understand the surfaces of Jordan also changed significantly. Having Jordanian peers and friends throughout my time abroad also made me understand the disparities between Jordanian society both economically and socially, as the problems that face the Jordanian people are often very hidden and not as noticeable for many foreigners at first glance. Especially during my fall semester study, where I interned at a local NGO called Al-Hadaf, I came to learn more closely about the refugee crisis in Jordan. The main goal of the NGO was to assist in the lives of Christian Iraqi refugees who have fled from their homes since the rise of the ISIS insurgency and focus on the mental rehabilitation of Christians through workshops while navigating them through living in Jordan. Being able to work with a lot of the refugees directly through the language workshops and funding campaigns enabled me, on the other hand, to comprehend the grand scale of the refugee crisis in Jordan and how its legacies since the Palestinian Nakba of 1948 to the social divides of Jordan. My expectations of acquiring language proficiency in this aspect were overachieved, as obtaining the language also means building a closer connection with the Jordanian people and understanding the different aspects of Jordan from a deeper level. But of course, many obstacles were present outside of the linguistic and cultural aspect of living in Jordan as I also often miss the diversity of cuisines in the United States. Living as an Asian American in Jordan can often become more rewarding as more people are more curious about my background and are often surprised by the fact that the faces of an orient speak Arabic. Although there are times when being “different” or “unique” receives negative responses from society, most of my experiences have been fairly positive, and I enjoy conversing with the local population. As I’m ready for my Air Force commissioning in May, my study abroad experience has definitely affected my understanding of foreign cultures and how the United States government and its people can play into a globalizing world.