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Kayah Young

<i>Pronouns:</i> She/her <i>Home Institution:</i> Columbus State University <i>Expected Graduation:</i> 2023 <i>Major / Minor:</i> Spanish <i>Study Abroad Location:</i> Seville, Spain <i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hola <i>Program Provider:</i> CLIC <i>Identity:</i> Africa American/Black, First-Generation College Student <i>Future Career Goals:</i> I would like to be a freelance interpreter and photographer. <i>Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:</i> To try new foods. Learn how to flamenco dance. Become more confident and fluent in Spanish.

Iโ€™ve been back for three days now, and I already miss Spain. That trip was everything I could ask for and more. I met so many new people from so many countries including London, Germany, Ukraine, and France. I got to experience so much culture and art, which was really the highlight of my trip. Between all the museum visits and walking tours, I learned so much about Spain. I really enjoyed trying new foods and shopping at the grocery stores because itโ€™s so different than how it is over here. I think itโ€™s definitely going to take some time for me to adjust back to my life in America because in this last month, Iโ€™ve had a completely different lifestyle. I did have some bad experiences, and I donโ€™t want to go too deep into them because it was slightly traumatic but all in all this study aboard program was everything and more. Being an artist, I want to continue to travel and capture life; to learn and grow as an individual. That is my plan at the moment.