Remi’s Adventure in Aarhus




Hi everyone! I can’t believe that as I am writing this, it will be the end of my 4th week studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark. I cannot fathom that I have been studying abroad for almost a month now, time really does fly by! As I have stated before, I have been living with a host family, two host sisters; with a mom and a dad. They have been so welcoming to me and really have made me feel comfortable as a black woman studying abroad in a very homogenous, white country. We have dinner together every night, which I love and they give me my own space to chill and relax.I know that I made the right choice staying with a host family. I will admit, it was tough the first few weeks being away from all of my family and friends who I miss dearly. It is tough being the only black girl in most of my classes and not having my friends everyday with me. I have felt lonely and sad. But, I’ve realized that time moves so quickly and I really need to enjoy my time here and appreciate the beautiful forests, the impeccable train system, and the great food!

At DIS, my study abroad program, we have two study tours that we take with our core class. My core class is Cyberpsychology and I am loving it! Our first study tour was from September 11th – September 13th in Aarhus, Denmark – a 3 hour bus ride from Copenhagen. I really enjoyed this trip. My class had the chance to see AI robots at Aarhus University which was very creepy and also really fun! We also had a food tour guide city walk which we had the chance to eat at 5 different restaurants throughout the city of Aarhus, I really got my steps in! Our second day, we played seven rounds of laser tag, which was the highlight of our 3 day trip for me!! I was on the red team and we won! On our third and last day, we visited the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, which I will attach a photo of down below!

Overall, I think this study tour was a great experience because I had the chance to talk to more of my classmates and learn more about them. I have been getting more used to living here which I thank God for because time is really flying by so fast; and I want to look upon my memories abroad as fun and not crying all the time because I miss home. Even though there is nothing wrong with crying it out because studying abroad takes guts. I will leave off with this quote that my friend told me” You are where you are meant to be”.