ยกHola a todos de nuevo! And welcome to my reflections!
We have finally reached my final blog for my summer abroad in Mexico. The original program has ended and yet here I still remain. I extended my original program by two weeks so that I would be able to learn more about the language and culture of Mexico. Most of the group that traveled to Mexico from my University have returned to the United States and have started the process of readjusting to American culture.
On the other hand, I have finally grown a bit more comfortable with being in a foreign country, even though I still miss my family and will continue to do so until we are reunited. Because I will be returning to the United States soon, I have started to think about what I have learned and how I have changed since I have been living in Mexico. Below are some of my reflections:

Whenever I had to practice Spanish in class or in front of native speakers, I would always become extremely nervous and forget everything that I was trying to say in the language. Thinking back to when I first arrived (and my first blog) I was terrified to sound ignorant or uneducated. Now, even though I still make mistakes and forget words, I have more confidence when I am speaking in Spanish and I am not as afraid to say the wrong thing.
Cultural Differences
Even though the U.S. and Mexico share a border, the two countries are fundamentally different. I had to get used to many different aspects of the culture since I have been here. For instance, you may see a couple kiss on the streets while in the U.S., but in Mexico couples are much more affectionate, to the point where an American might feel uncomfortable. However, this is normal here and not such a big deal anymore. Another difference is the concern the families and teachers show for our well-being. Sometimes the questions you are asked may seem a bit more personal than you are uses to, but you can tell that they truly care.
I Can Speak Spanish!
The last and most important lesson that I will take with me from Mexico is that I can speak Spanish. Seriously, I can speak Spanish! At times my Spanish can be broken or I might conjugate verbs incorrectly, but I can still communicate effectively. I can get my point across in a nonnative language and that is something that I have been working towards for years. My time here has been invaluable and I wish I had just a little bit more time to learn and craft more reflections.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog this summer and I wish you all the best!
ยกHasta luego!