Missing Home — Second Week in London


Hi everyone! I just finished my second week abroad and I’ve been missing the familiarity of home. After going to class early and spending the rest of my days exploring different parts of London on my own, I felt sad coming home at the end of the day. Home is where I would notice how far away I am from my real home back in California. I would come home to a house and people I didn’t know. I missed my parents and often wished I could have experienced London with them. To feel more connected to them, I would call them more often. I especially liked video calls where I could see them. I would call my parents when I knew they were awake and catch up on what I’m missing back home. They would tell me about work, their friends, the people they’ve run into while around town, and more. I would tell them what I did so far in my day—classes I had, where I went for lunch and what I got, and exploring art galleries and museums nearby. I would tell them about the people I’ve met so far and how I spend my evenings. Talking to my friends back home is easier through texting and video calling. I’m sure my most used apps while abroad are Google Maps and Whatsapp. I started to feel much better about being far from home and settled further into life abroad. I’m adapting to my new environment and wanted something familiar to hold onto. As the semester gets busier, I hardly have the time to feel homesick (and rarely am), which is overwhelming but I think is a good thing.

The friends I made abroad are kind and so funny—I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in my life. I’m really glad I forced myself out of my comfort zone and allowed myself the opportunity to get to know them. I tried to say “yes!” more to invitations and events, which resulted in me meeting so many great people. I was worried I would be alone in London, and even though I want to practice more independence, I don’t want to be isolated. Spending time with them reminded me that I’m not really alone here and that how I’m feeling is common. I liked having people tag along with me on my museum and exploration adventures around London. I think sharing these experiences with them makes them more fun and memorable.

This week, I learned that staying in contact with family and friends back home takes effort but it’s comforting to know that I always have a support system back home. I feel safe knowing that they’re just a phone call or text message away. The excitement of being here and experiencing so many new things overrides the homesickness and anxiety I’ve been feeling since arriving at the airport in LA. I’m feeling a lot more comfortable in the city and am really enjoying getting to know everyone! I’m looking forward to experiencing many new places and making countless more memories.