Here in Korea, there are many places to visit that are near and far. You can arrive at the destinations by taxi, subway, bus, or simply by walking. I personally do not exercise often, even when I am at home or in school. However,ย Hanyang University is located on top of a hill, so every morning, afternoon, and evening I would climb stairs, and hills. The first week of school was exhausting and it was not even the homework that was exhausting. The hills around here are steep and I would say more than a forty-five degree angle. Ever time I would make it to the library or class buildings, I would need to take a rest. I realized that in order to improve my endurance, I would need to exercises and work on my cardio.

One of the ways I have added an exercise into my routine is walking along the nature trail everyday. This trail extends about ten to fifteen miles in each direction. At first, I started with just one or two miles a day in one direction such as east. What I love about the trail is that no matter which direction you take, the scenic view is something to take in! I could walk for miles and miles without knowing that time has passed by. One Sunday of last week I managed to walk thirty miles just to see how far the trail is, I was tired but I enjoyed the experience! There are just some great spots to stop and admire the view, and think about how far I have come.

Walking these past few weeks has helped me mentally and physically as well. I feel way better about my health then I did back at home. I feel I have more energy, I am more focused, I feel determined to give it one hundred percent of the time. One thing I have noticed is that the students here do not mind one bit about the hills and stairs. They act as if everything around was normal and just go head on. I wish I had that type of endurance, but that will come with more practice as well. Even my eating habits have changed a little! I am starting to have a more balanced meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As the semester continues, I plan on walking more often and taking the stairs when I can. I have learned that exercise is key in Seoul!