Making New Friends! (London Week 2)


Noemi Guzman

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> College of Saint Benedict <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2023 <i>Destination city & country:</i> London, England <i>Program provider:</i> FIE <i>Major/minor:</i> Social Science / Secondary Education & Political Science <i>Demographics:</i> Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student, LGBTQ+ <i>Future career aspirations:</i> I aspire to be a 7th grade civics teacher! <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> Be involved in my community; Try a new dish; Develop a global mindset

Week two in London has been a lot better in terms of getting used to everything that has been going on. The classes donโ€™t feel as long as they did the first week. I have actually come to love all of my classes. Although the work load is still something I am getting used to. I learned some different ways to keep myself from getting too stressed out. I mentioned last week that maybe writing in my journal will help me and it most definitely has. Another thing that has helped me become much more comfortable with the new area and life I have been living is making new friends. I am lucky enough to be in a building with people from my school but I have honestly never really interacted with them before. I have found that pushing myself to socialise with the people on my floor has actually made things better for me. I am getting to know people that i go to school with but never talked to. Iโ€™ve made friends in my classes with people who attend different schools within the US. So when we go on class trips I actually bond with other people and get to know them which is something I was pretty nervous about. I am still coming up with a schedule to do homework and stuff but I have finally found a place to do homework in. I no longer have to suffer and do homework in my bed! I at first did not do homework in the lounge that is provided to us because I was nervous to be around people I did not know but now that I do know them I find it easier to do homework there. I have also started to do things by myself and Iโ€™ve begun to go and do homework in coffee shops. My favourite is going into Pret and grinding out homework there.

*the pictures above are from the London Transport Museum where I made a new friend and got to learn about the history of London transportation!