Major Challenge of Arabic Language Learning – Dialects






Having studied linguistics before my immersion experience I definitely feel confident that Iโ€™m really getting the biggest bang for my buck. Syntax, Phonology, and Pragmatics play a vital role in my describing and processing of Arabic and perhaps more notably second language acquisition has equipped me with the knowledge of the proven theories in successful language acquisition. Still now there is an obstacle that most if not all Arabic students can identify with: Dialects. 

When someone takes it upon themselves to learn a new language the goal is usually communicative competence at some capacity, even if the motives are different. Learners of Arabic and other languages that have varying dialects that sometimes arenโ€™t mutually intelligible are often frustrated by the idea that whatโ€™s taught in the classroom isnโ€™t used in the streets and some people even elect to skip Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and learn the Dialect straight from the chute. Learning a language in an immersive experience is extremely effective but Arabic is a special case.

Arabic media is always written and spoken in MSA. So while a few dialects arenโ€™t mutually intelligible, most if not all of the Middle East will understand MSA. Also it would be easier to go from MSA to a dialect because the dialects are generally more efficient and therefore simpler than Standard Arabic. Everything from sentence structure, to pronunciation, and even verb conjugations would be easy to pick up in a dialect once Standard Arabic is acquired. That said, it would inherently follow that going into MSA from a dialect would complicate the language already acquired. Furthermore, not all dialects are mutually intelligible and some straddle a fine, gray line from being their own language but even this community of speakers will be able to understand standard Arabic. While discussing the topic of Dialects in the classroom with my Arabic Professor, Mahmoud Shafie, he was emphatic that the Dialect should be learned outside the classroom. (He also happens to be a linguist and a leading Arabic Teacher here in Jordan! Lucky me!)

To play the devilโ€™s advocate, I took a conversational class two years ago and it was definitely helpful to formally address some of the idioms and alternations that might occur in real speech. I frequently find myself wishing I had brought the textbook with me. However, it should be noted that the topics discussed in my conversation class were only building on vocabulary and structures that I had already learned in 4 semesters of Standard Arabic.

Language learning helpful hint!! Whenever we learn a new grammar rule, my professor illustrates it with a memorable proverb (usually one where we have a similar meaning in English) and highlights the rule illustrated. Memorizing proverbs is much easier (and much more fun) than memorizing rules!! 

Martha Ramos

<i>*Texas Scholarship</i> Marhaba! My name is Martha and Iโ€™m a student at the University of Texas at Arlington and Iโ€™m a huge nerd for all things related to language so naturally I chose linguistics as my major and Arabic my minor and upon graduating I will have earned my TESOL certificate that will enable me to teach English abroad (Inshaโ€™allah!). In my senior year of college, I had an abrupt change of plans when my dream job suddenly was no longer a possibility for me for astronomical reasons beyond my control. I had to rethink my career plans but as the old adage goes, when one door closes, another one opens! I delved into my language studies and am now torn between the possibilities of my future! Teaching English in Latin America or the Middle East is most definitely in my future! I hope to spend some time in the Peace Corps after graduating from UTA and later on contribute to the conservation of Endangered Languages while pursuing my graduate degree. This Summer Iโ€™ll be traveling to Jordan in an effort to refine my Arabic and acquire a glimpse into the lives of my future students.While Iโ€™m there I hope to volunteer in an ESL classroom and teach English to local Jordanians. The Scholarship from FEA has made real for me the opportunity that up until recently was just slightly out of reach and I look forward to such an experience.