Leaving Sweden







As my time in Sweden is coming to an end, Iโ€™ve had a rollercoaster of feelings. This bittersweet experience has included a lot of preparation/ packing and also a lot of last-minute adventures to ensure I get the most out of my experience here in Sweden. This blog will include the process for departure and some of the meaningful/fun last-minute things I did.


As Iโ€™ve mentioned, I traveled to a lot of different countries throughout my time in Sweden, and through every country, I attempted to grab a couple of souvenirs for myself, family, and friends. Souvenirs are important because although they can seem tiny and almost meaningless, the small key ring or snowglobe takes me back to the moment when I was in the country and reminds me of the good times I had. Iโ€™m not too sure if this was because my original destination was Sweden, but I did not think about souvenirs until the last few weeks. I always told myself this was something I could get later until I realized that I was in my departure week and I needed to do a lot of last-minute shopping to surprise all my friends and family at home. Buying souvenirs was a very fun experience because it made me excited to go home. After all, I felt like this Santa-like figure when I held the huge souffle bag that was filled with gifts for others. However, this action of buying gifts also made me realize that my days in Sweden were ending, and that was a harsh reality to accept.


During the last weeks in Sweden, things picked up very quickly for both school and outside responsibilities such as packing. Before my last week in Sweden, I made a list with my friend of all the places we wanted to go to before it was too late and we were on our way to America. Although times were a bit hectic due to finals, we were determined to push through and accomplish our Sweden bucket list, and that is exactly what we did. We made sure to eat at some of our favorite spots around the city, got to see sights, and also visited places that were significant to Sweden. Completing this list made me feel very satisfied because it felt great to know that I did everything that I had desired before my departure. Although I was in Sweden for most of my time abroad, I did not get the time to explore a lot because I was usually studying or doing school work and when I was free or on vacation, I was usually traveling or in another country.

Last Night!

My last night in Sweden was a very special day but also very sad. On this day, my closest friend and I made a goodbye dinner for my host family and we were able to share a bit of what we eat in our homes back in the US. This precious time allowed us to bridge the gap between our two worlds, and it was a very beautiful experience. My host mom and sister bought my friend and me gifts, and we also bought them some gifts to remember us. This was a great way to end my time in Sweden, and the conversations we had at the table allowed me to reflect on my overall experience and appreciate all the amazing things that happened.

Overall, I am very sad to be leaving Sweden but even more excited to be going home to tell my friends and family about the amazing experience I had. I can not wait to one day go back to Sweden and visit all my favorite spots and explore a bit more of what I wasnโ€™t able to explore. This was a great experience, and I recommend you add Sweden to your bucket list!

See you soon,
