Last Half Best Half





Hey everyone!

I have to catch you up with the last half of my crazy 10-day long trip. Wow, this past week was EXHAUSTING! The whole staying up really late and waking up at an insane hour has really taken a toll, but we, of course, wanted to try to get the most out of the short time we had in each of the countries.

Santorini Views!

Greece was beautiful! We first went to Santorini and stayed in a classic looking white Greece building with blue shutters. We also rented ATVs so we could easily get all around the island. It was amazing and I’m so glad we did that because every inch of that island deserved to be seen. Santorini seemed to be a bit more of a chill island which was amazing. Our Airbnb host was also so nice! He drove us to the port to catch our ferry and got us each Santorini mugs. How adorable!

Amanda and I on our ATV!

Our next stop was Mykonos. We walked A LOT in Mykonos. Our Airbnb was at the top of the hill and relatively farther away from Mykonos town and they wouldn’t let us rent an ATV for some reason because we didn’t have an international license. Mykonos was a much more upbeat beach island than Santorini was, but it was still so much fun in a completely different way. I highly recommend making it at some point in your life!


Our last stop was in Munich, Germany. For our last day, we rented a car at drove to Schรถnau am Kรถnigssee where there were paths up the mountains and you could have beautiful views of the incredibly clear water and mountains in the background. We saw some pictures of a beautiful waterfall area that we were dying to go to. We asked the tour guide how to get there, and she told us we couldn’t and that it is too dangerous and people have died trying to get there before.

Our hike in Germany!

Naturally, we were just more determined. We found a blog describing exactly how to get there and were on our way. At one point, we found ourselves scaling up a mountain, slipping on leaves and rocks as we went. We figured there was no way this was right when we realized we were stuck there having gone the wrong way. After continuing to climb our way, we finally came across a rock path, realizing there was a MUCH easier to get as far as we did.

It was a long hike, but this scenery made it so worth it!

After reaching the end of that path, there was a rope blocking us from going any further and a sign saying “danger life threatening”. We climbed over the rope and started walking along a dirt path along the edge of the mountain with rocks, roots, and fallen trees all in the path. After a few hours of this journey, we FINALLY found that waterfall, and let me tell ya, it was worth it! the view was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot this summer).

After changing into our swimsuits and enjoying the cold water for a couple of hours, we, of course, had to get all the way back down. Going down was obviously a bit easier though because we followed the path rather than scaling the mountain once again.

To follow along with how the first week of my internship goes, tune in to my blog at the end of this week!

Madison Mougalian

*FIE: Foundation for International Education Scholarship <i>Hello in your host country language</i>: Hello <i> University</i>: University of Florida <i>Expected graduation year</i>: 2021 <i>Destination</i>: London, England <i>Program Provider</i>: FIE: Foundation for International Education <i>Major / Minor</i>: Business Administration – Sports Management <i>Future career aspirations</i>: I see myself working with a professional or college athletic association in working behind the scenes with the business aspect. <i>Top 3 goals for study abroad</i>: To immerse myself into London's culture; To travel to other countries all around Europe; To utilize my internship to gain valuable, hands-on exposure to my future career path.