Language Barriers at the Hair Salon




Today I went to a hair salon because I desperately needed a hair trim; itโ€™s been almost a year since I have gotten a haircut so, I decided to go to a salon near my dorm. Now, Pragueย is dividedย up into districts, the district that everyone is more familiar with is Prague 1, this is where the Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, and the rest of those well-known landmarks are. I live in Prague 10 and thatโ€™s an area where most of the locals live. I have noticed that there are less English speakers in this area.

I walk in asking for a haircut hoping that they speak English because myย Czechย is not that advanced yet. They donโ€™t speak English so I canโ€™t understand most of what theyโ€™re saying. The only thing I can understand is how much it costs and what time my appointment is because Iโ€™m very familiar with the numbers.

Before I come in for my appointment, I tried to check on google translate to see how I can ask for long layers but it didnโ€™t make any sense. So, if the stylist didnโ€™t understand me, I found pictures of the haircut that I wanted

I came back to the salon and I didnโ€™t understand a word. However, I was able to tell where she was wanting me to go by seeing her handsย motionย to the sink. After she finished washing my hair, it was time to get my hair cut, we went to a different room and my hair was dripping wet so I couldnโ€™t get up to grab my phone to show her pictures. I tried to explain in my very limitedย Czechย that I wanted layers. She looked unsure but I tried to show her how my hair was already cut in layers so I just needed to trim. She did a few hand motions towards my hair while talking and I think she understood. I suddenly got very worried so I closed my eyes throughoutย the wholeย thing. I always tend to get nervous when it comes to my hair, even more, when thereโ€™s a language barrier. I finally opened my eyes when she stopped cutting.

When it was all over, I looked in the mirror and I was so happy that she cut my hair just like I wanted it. She did an amazing job and I believe she asked me what I thought of my cut. I responded by saying, โ€œVรฝbornฤ›!โ€ (great)

Even though we didnโ€™t speak the same language, we were able to get through it with hand movements and body language. I was able to put my limitedย Czechย to the test and really work on my listening skills. It was a little scaryย at the timeย but looking back on it, it wasnโ€™t so bad. I was glad that we were able to understand each other. It just goes to show that with a little patience, we donโ€™t need to have a shared languageย to beย able to communicate with each other.