Jaylen Leaving London- #6




In the days leading up to my departure from London, I had so much to reflect back on. I read back through a list I made before traveling that focused on my wishes and fears for this trip, and I was intrigued to see how my thoughts compared to now. My biggest fear at the time was that I wouldnโ€™t make friends or socially fit into the culture. I understand this is a very natural fear to have, as humans are intensely social creatures, but I havenโ€™t always been the bubbly and loud person I am now. I used to find it hard to make connections with people, especially if it meant truly expressing myself and my thoughts. Thereโ€™s no one person on Earth that will agree with you on everything, but I used to believe that these slight differences would make it impossible to genuinely befriend people. As Iโ€™ve gotten older and encountered others who live vastly different lives and hold differing values, Iโ€™ve learned that my personality can be a universal experience if I allow it to. Iโ€™m loud and overly positive, but I have found these help me engage with all sorts of people, and these interactions have been overwhelmingly positive. My ability to open up has helped incredibly on this trip.

I know in my first blog I wrote about how British people arenโ€™t as friendly or engaging as the culture in the South calls for, but I think I was incorrect here. I was a bit too focused on establishing relationships with my American classmates at the time, that I think I was too harsh when judging the London folks. They can be just as friendly or more, itโ€™s just that the culture is to be more reserved upfront. Whereas where Iโ€™m from, you are openly friendly and engaging from the start of the interaction. I had countless times in the city, having conversations, where all it took for me to ask the other person โ€œAnd how are you doing?โ€ Before we divulged into full blown discussions. Making it known that I want to fully engage from the beginning on my end leaves the other person feeling comfortable enough to talk more, and then it turns into a natural volley. This simple step (along with some gentle flattery) earned me not only the trust of the other person, but sometimes a little goody to go along with it! My favorite example of this was when I got two free ice cream cones, after talking about tattoos and Harry Styles with the cashier for a bit. Itโ€™s a gratifying experience socially, and a freebie thrown in never hurt either!

My friends would often tell me โ€œYou always find a way to make a friend wherever you go.โ€ And it always made me smile to hear. I do genuinely care about what people have to say when we have conversations, and I love knowing intricate details about their lives. But I think more than my personality led me to this point. Before I left, I wrote that I wanted to be open to the situations I would be put in during my time in London, and I believe this greatly influenced my social habits. I had to push my reservations and fears aside since this was my one opportunity to truly experience London, and try my hand at living as a global citizen. This trip has given me so much confidence and appreciation for cultures I never come into contact with back in the States. I will forever be grateful that FEA helped to fund this life changing abroad opportunity, and I canโ€™t wait to see where life takes me next!