Today was the day that our group presented our intervention for the community and I was the master of ceremonies. For the past two months, we researched diabetes within Lao Noi village because we found that this was a main issue in the community. In addition, diabetes was one of the concerns that the community had as well.
We found that those who exercise for thirty minutes or more did not have diabetes compared to those who exercise less than thirty minutes a day. Also, we found that those who had diabetes changed their eating behaviors. For instance, once they found out that they have diabetes, they will try to lessen their sugar intake and try to eat healthier.
For our intervention, to decrease the prevalence of diabetes within the village, we suggested for the villagers to consume less sugary foods, eat more vegetables, and exercise for more than thirty minutes with activities that pick up the heart rate. Moreover, we demonstrated some proper stretches. As we were showing the villagers the moves, some of the group members and myself, went out into the audience and asked them to participate with us. We tried to engage the audience and we made the presentation more interactive.
Furthermore, on one of our site visits, we went to another community that has a great waste management system and they showed us their system. One thing that we were able to model after this system was their muscle strengthening equipment. It was made out of reusable materials which made things easy to find. For instance, the materials needed would be 2 water bottles, bottle caps, rope, and pieces of wood or a small plastic pipe.
We brought some of the strengthening equipment to Lao Noi village and incorporated within our presentation. After the demonstration, we picked some people in the audience to try the equipment. As a result, we got positive feedback from the villagers. Additionally, the villagers said that they will try their best to follow our intervention, Overall, the group presentation turned out to be wonderful and I had a great time.