Identity of Self vs Perceived Identity Abroad






Being raised by Mexican parents but growing up in the US has always made me question my identity. I have always dealt with the feeling of not being Mexican enough to call myself just โ€œMexicanโ€ and definitely could not relate with being American. Am I 50% Mexican, 50% American? 75% Mexican and 25% American? 95% Mexican and 5% American? Who knows because apparently I donโ€™t and my interactions here in Spain have caused further confusion.

Here, because of my appearance, most people who I have encountered automatically assume Iโ€™m from a Latin American country. Now, to me, this does not bother me at ALL, itโ€™s actually quite flattering and I prefer that Iโ€™m recognized as ~Latina~ because I most definitely am! Even though I was born in the US, I am proud of my heritage, where my parents were born, my tan skin complexion, my dark hair, and everything else. However, I feel that only identifying as Mexican can be unfair especially to those who were actually born and raised there. Since I was not born there, have never lived long periods of time in Mexico and the language I resort to is English, every time people ask where I am from, I get stuck. Since I did grow up bilingual, I know that my accent has a Mexican ring to it which I can completely understand why their assumption is what it is. I find it interesting though that when I clarify that my parents are Mexican but I was born in the United States, they almost disregard the US part and say, โ€œAh, so Mexican you said, what part are you from?โ€ Sometimes, I donโ€™t even say Iโ€™m Mexican and just say that I am from the US but they look at me and say โ€œโ€ฆ but where are you really fromโ€ which I know that they are asking because of my โ€œlooksโ€ and my lack of being white.

I am currently trying to explore this aspect about my self-identity as it often comes with this interesting perceived identity from new interactions I have abroad. I have also encountered Mexicans here in Spain, who were actually born and raised there and more than once have told me โ€œOh, but youโ€™re not truly Mexican since you werenโ€™t born thereโ€ or they’ll “evaluate” my accent? It has never done in a rudely manner but itโ€™s definitely comments like those that slightly pain me because I feel, identify, and love my Mexican roots. As I continue my study abroad, I have resorted to give the whole explanation which includes stating that I am from the US but both my parents are proudly Mexican which makes me Mexican-American but Iโ€™m more Mexican than American. This is a much longer response than they probably anticipated but I feel better explaining myself. These are just some thoughts and feelings that Iโ€™ve repeatedly encountered so I thought writing a journal about it would maybe resonate with others that have shared identities.

Totally of topic but hereโ€™s a picture I loved.

โ€œPiensa Globalmente/Actua Localmenteโ€ โ€”โ€”โ€”- โ€œThink Globally/Act Locallyโ€