I am open and ready for adventure!






Ana Hernandez

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Buongiorno! <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> Santa Barbara City College <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2023 <i>Destination city & country:</i> Rome, Italy <i>Program provider:</i> Santa Barbara City College <i>Major/minor:</i> Early Childhood Education <i>Demographics:</i> Community College, Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student <i>Future career aspirations:</i> Find a way to provide early childhood education opportunities and education in places where there is none in the U.S. and abroad. <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> Observe the highly successful early childhood programs, such as; Reggio Emilia and Montessori in their country of origin. Observe cultural differences in early childhood, families and children, in town, on the street, on the buses, in the restaurants. Immerse myself in a culture different than my own to create more awareness and a deeper understanding of myself and the children and families I will work with as an Early Childhood Education Educator. Enjoy the food, arts, music, culture and people of Rome, Italy.

I can generally find a way through troubled waters in 99% of challenging situations on my own, or I ask for help, or I brainstorm with others to find suggestions and solutions. To prepare for this trip, I attended every zoom meeting, picked the brain of various persons who had lived in Italy and even ordered an Italian CD to listen to. I felt well prepared, fully and completelyโ€ฆ or so I thought.

The challenges that threw me off my groove were those I did not prepare for: the door lock fell out of the front door of my apartment and I was locked in my apartment. When I was finally able to jiggle it open, I went to class. When I returned from class it was a 30 minute battle of the wits with the door, but I finally took command and was smarter than the door. The radiator heaters and water heater began to not work the day after I arrived and I havenโ€™t showered in two days. My iPhone plan with my phone company does not work, I specifically changed it for my trip to Europe; therefore, my connections to family, friends, schoolmates, google maps and general communication system is out of commission. So I bought a local phone to at least communicate with the school and teachers. After purchasing, and arriving back at my apartment, I tried out the phone and cannot reach any of the Rome numbers. And to top it off, the washer/dryer that was broken by the previous tenants will be installed later in the week.

Needless to say, I sit at my desk, writing my blog, in dirty clothes, unwashed hair, doing homework based on what I could gather from my housemates until 3:00am. I feel stressed at not being able to access the website where I need to download my homework, anxious because I cannot contact my family and friends, neither by email, text nor phone call, and tired from lack of sleep because of the time difference.

This was a crash course in critical thinking and problem solving. Yet, It is also a reminder that I am not alone. All of the students have had challenges, all valid and ready to test our ingenuity, creativity and ability to flow with the Tramontana (North wind-when it blows its pretty chilly).

In spite of these challenges, I have begun to experience some of the eternal cityโ€™s beauty and majesty. We took a lovely walking tour of the area around our apartment. We are eating wonderfully delicious food and I am listening attentively to the melodious native language of the Italian people. My house mates and I have begun the steps in creating and bonding together in friendship in a foreign country.

Today is day three. Rome is beautiful, it is layered with history. I can walk out of my apartment and see a little bit of each time period with the naked eye, imagine what I will see once I understand the history and culture a little more. I am finding that challenges bring people together. Best of all, the Italian people have been so kind and helpful, the food is fabulous, the art and architecture mythical โ€ฆ and it is only day three.
