Hoy volveré, Today I Will Return: My Time Before Departing to México City




In approximately one hour, I will be boarding a plane to Houston, Texas from Dallas, Texas (U.S.). Following that, my second boarding pass corresponds to a plane that will take me to México City, México.

January of 2017 was the first time I was able to return to México after 17 years, but it was for nine days, and I dreamed of the day I could visit again (because of my DACA status, any time I travel internationally, I have to request permission to leave the country and then return, a process called advance parole which in this case was granted for academic purposes). Today, I will be back in my tierra, my other home, for a study abroad program which means a lot to me beyond its academic characteristics. Hoy, volveré a mi tierra, mi otra casa, para un programa de estudios al extranjero, que significa muchas cosas para mi más allá de sus características académicas.

Here is a small poem I wrote in January, but very much applies today.


They said she couldn’t

fly away

But is it really away?

If it’s to a place she came

into the world to on her first day

Now she is on this plane

Oh, her parents must think

she is insane

But in her heart she knows it’s right

Because her life has always been

an on-going flight

and now she is in flight

-yahaira pamela