It did not occur to me at all that my time here in South Korea is getting smaller and smaller by the day. I am still finding this balance of studying and exploring at the same time. There are places here in South Korea that I have not seen, such as Jeju Island, Busan, Ulsan, and Lotte Tower. I told myself that I am going either alone or traveling with a friend. I just wanted to get everything done so I have no regrets!
Last weekend I wandered around Seoul by myself. I went from different destinations within a hours because later that day I was going to have a picnic with some friends. While I was wandering around City Hall, I came across and Rock & Drum concert. I looked around as people from different countries played and performed. It was interesting to see what they could do because I do not listen to that type of music too much. I spent about three hours just listening and watching the performance.
Once I was a little tired from that I made my way to Meokgol, and here Seoul was hosting a Rose festival. Here I spent most of my day just looking at all the roses and there was more softer music playing which made me even more relaxed. The place was huge and as you made your way a little further away, there was a class of elementary school children performing in a choir. I listen to them sing for about an hour, it just took any stress I had away. Even though I could still not understand fully what they were saying, I knew some songs had a deep meaning.
Once the sun was settling down I made my way to the location called the floating Islands. There we ordered our food, and waited for it to arrive. While we were waiting, my friends and I just talked about how we have enjoyed our trips here and all the things we have done differently. Once our food arrived, the timing was perfect because the bridge in front of us was performing a display. Everyone around the area stopped and stared at the water performance. All of us admired the view and enjoyed our food at the same time. Overall we spent about 3 hours at the floating Islands talking and enjoying Seoul nightlife! Best Saturday I have had in a while.

When Sunday rolled around, I honestly did not have a plan on what to do. While I was doing my research, I came across a different park called Sky park. The name sounded interesting, so I messaged one of my friends and he came along. We were unsure of what to expect, there was this uncertainty that this park was not that interesting. As we are walking we pass by the World Cup Stadium where soccer matches were held.

Finally we arrived at the park but we had to climb up about three miles to make it to the top. Finally we had made it to the top and were shocked. This park was huge and many paths to take in an open area. One thing we did was start walking in a square path, near the edges were great views of Seoul all around. What I loved about it the most was that it was just quiet, and the wind was blowing softly. Again it felt that it took all of my worries away and I could just forget everything. There was a garden, barefoot path, a interesting stand too. We took our time looking at everything and started talking about our life. It was relaxing and we did not feel like leaving at all. Even as we looked far off in the distance we could see the University!
When we found a good place to sit and take a small nap. The nap was needed because we were exhausted going up the hill which were then followed by mountain of stairs. Seoul has some of the most interesting parks anywhere. I cannot even count how many parks I have been too. Each park has something unique about it, there could be a lot of people or sometimes little to none at all . It could be located near a city or far off and both would work for me. I am trying to make most of this trip! Now that I have about four weeks left I decided I am either traveling with friends if they would to come or just myself. I hope that my next weekend will be a great one! Stay tuned for more!