Focus On… Yes
At the time of writing this, I am thousands of feet in the air headed to a land quite unfamiliar to me. Seoul, South Korea will be home for me for the next couple of months. I’d be lying to you if said today was a breeze. I awoke before the sun himself .The night prior, was a night dedicated to family and now having to leave the morning after made it all the more difficult. My dad rarely shows me his emotions but I could see that my departure was weighting on him. My grandmother had told me to wake her up before I left so she could say bye and man was that hard. Every time I leave for school, it feels like it could be the last time I see her. If I’m thinking it, I can only imagine what runs through her mind. But nonetheless, she support my endeavors and all they entail. Me and my dad arrive at the airport it goes as we’ve done before. Pull up to the terminal, get out my bags out the car and we embrace. Perhaps, because we had talked the night before it didn’t feel as emotionally taxing to leave but, there were no tears -to my knowledge. Rest assured there will be tears at some point once all the adrenaline dies down.
A well respected mentor of mine, recommended that I read Shonda Rhimes Year of Yes on my way to Seoul and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I want this experience to be unlike anything I’ve ever done before. I mean, whether I take the books advice or not, I’ve never studied abroad before so It’s definitely different but, I want to be intentional with my time abroad. The months I spend here will surely create memories that will surely influence the rest of my life. Dear reader prepare yourself, for I am going to try my best in saying yes to things and experiences that may frighten me. Saying yes, to meeting new people, saying yes to new and exhilarating experiences, most importantly, saying yes to me because why the hell not.
As my plane begins its final descent in the Republic of Korea, a new and exciting phase will commence. What will you say yes too? Is there something you’ve been reluctant to do? Im on a plane 38001 ft in the air and 3000 miles away from my new home. It’s a little too late to turn back but everything I’ve done up until now has been a result of saying yes. Yes to MLK the III, yes to South Korea and a now a yes to committing to a “semester of yes” via new and fruitful experiences.