Five Weeks to Go





Just thought I would update everyone about my upcoming trip to Spain.  My school has revised our study abroad program, and now we are going to study in Cuenca, Spain.  Cuenca is a much smaller town; it sits atop a “mesa”, with houses built into the sides of it.  Some of these houses hang out over the edges, and thus are called ‘Hanging Houses’ – probably one of the main tourist attractions. 

I am a little disappointed we are not going to Madrid, but I am still excited about the trip.  In Cuenca there will be less English spoken, so this will be beneficial for my language immersion experience.  And one of our field trips will be to Madrid, so I’ll still get to see a little bit of it. 

In five weeks, I will be on a plane; I can hardly believe it!  I am somewhat nervous because I have now gone a year without any Spanish courses and my Spanish is pretty rusty!!  But, I figure – what’s the worst that can happen?  I’ll go, I’ll learn some of the language, I’ll survive, and I’ll return.  And I will share my experiences through this blog so everyone can read all about it. 

Well, I will write again right before I leave.  Tootaloo!

Tracy Terpening

Hi, my name is Tracy Terpening and I grew up in Annapolis, MD. I am 40 years old and I have conquered many difficult circumstances in my life to get where I am today. I started college at the age of 37 and have not looked back since. At times, it has been an uphill battle, but I have gathered my wealth of wisdom, experience, resourcefulness and strong will. As a result, I have been able to confront and rise above all obstacles and my positive attitude has kept me on my path. In addition, I have maintained a grade point average of 4.0. I am currently studying Foreign Languages with a concentration in Spanish at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. Thanks to FEA, I will be spending the summer of 2013 studying Spanish abroad in an immersion program in Madrid, Spain, which will allow me to meet academic requirements to major in Spanish. I also plan to major in English, with an emphasis on Professional Writing, a field in which I will be able to use my translation skills. I plan to pursue a career in which I can influence society to be more tolerant of other cultures and lifestyles. Outside of my field, I plan to find ways to contribute to the integration of Hispanic culture into the United States. Additionally, I aspire to help women and children who are the victims of domestic violence, as well as members of the LGTBQI community; thus being bilingual will enable me to reach that many more people.