First Weeks in Florence!


Melany Chavez Ugalde

<i>Pronouns:</i> She/her <i>Home Institution:</i> University of California, Santa Cruz <i>Expected Graduation:</i> 2025 <i>Major / Minor:</i> Psychology & Environmental Studies <i>Study Abroad Location:</i> Florence, Italy <i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Ciao <i>Program Provider:</i> UCEAP <i>Identity:</i> Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student <i>Future Career Goals:</i> In the future I hope to help people and the environment. I plan to pursue higher education after undergraduate studies and pursue a career in environmental psychology or in habitat conservation. <i>Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:</i> My first goal for my time abroad is to make life long connections. My second goal is to expand my knowledge about the world. My third goal is to grow more independent as a person and student because of my experience abroad.


Today marks the end of my 2nd week in Florence. I’m here until August so a little over a month. This is the first time I do anything like this and if I’m being honest it’s a little out of my comfort zone to have signed up for study abroad. When I arrived I had a moment where I asked myself why am I here? I felt a little homesick and was having doubts. I almost felt like everyone else was having the exact opposite thoughts as me. Turns out that if you open up a little to those around you, you come to find out that almost everyone felt the same way!

It feels super strange to be in a place where you have to make 10x the effort to do daily tasks like order food or ask for help at a grocery store but it’s only my 2nd week and can see how much I have come out of my shell and started feeling more comfortable with being uncomfortable sometimes. I embarrass myself almost daily but that’s part of the experience! I’m super grateful to have the privilege to navigate through a new beautiful city and to be able to notice changes within myself in new environments. I’m going on my first-weekend trip outside of the city soon and am feeling more sure and confident of my decision to study abroad every day. I can’t wait to learn more about Italy and to keep challenging myself in order to learn and know myself more!

