First Week of School






Hi Everyone!

This week I had my very first week of school. I’ve been placed in a higher level for my Speaking and Listening Class in Mandarin, but I actually think I will switch to a lower level because it requires a lot of reading.. And unfortunately I am not able to read! :( Since my speaking, reading, & writing levels are different, it makes it difficult for the laoshi (teacher) to place me into classes. Next week I am going to try out my new classes, and I hope it won’t be as hard as this week!

Although some classes were difficult, there was not much homework assigned since it was the first week. I was still able to go out and explore the city! I wanted to check out a gym with dance classes and so I took the subway there. This was my first time taking the subway alone, and boy was it an experience! I actually took the subway during rush hour and it was super crowded! But anyways, being able to navigate myself around Beijing made me feel pretty accomplished! Back at home we don’t really have subways, and we just drive everywhere. I think subways are convenient and definitely better for the environment! :) I got off at Shuangjing station, and this area was so much different from the area around Beijing Normal University. I really liked this area because there were many tall buildings that just added to the beautiful view of Beijing. :)


In addition to exploring the city, I’ve been trying different types of food! One of my favorite types of food in Beijing so far are the meat skewers! It’s really delicious and inexpensive. I’ve tried the lamb, chicken, and beef skewers. But what is more interesting, is that in Beijing you can also get exotic types of skewers (such as deep fried insects). I don’t think I can ever try that, but my friends have tried it before. I’ve heard that it tastes like peanuts!


Jennifer Au

Ni hao! My name is Jennifer Au and I am a fourth year Biology major at the University of California, Irvine. During Fall 2015 I have been given the amazing opportunity to study at Beijing Normal University for four months to learn Mandarin. I chose this program because it was the one option that included an intensive Chinese language program. I want to learn Mandarin so I could better communicate with other individuals including my family in China. It has always been my dream to reach in and discover the culture of my ancestors and who I really am and through this study abroad program, I will be able to incorporate academics and social development with cultural cognizance. My deep rooted desire to study abroad in China as a Chinese American may seem a little predictable, but this desire mainly stems from my upbringing in a predominate Latino neighborhood, in which I assimilated more with the Latino community and felt significantly displaced from my own culture. Iโ€™m looking forward to meeting the locals and practicing Mandarin with them everyday and trying authentic Chinese cuisine, like Peking duck! I also hope to use my Chinese acquisition as a physician assistant to communicate with patients who may speak Chinese.