Travel/First Impressions
- I had a smooth trip from the United States to Colombia and none of my luggage got lost thankfully

- Medellin is a beautiful place with a lot of events going on every day
- Colombians are very open and friendly

Living in Medellin
- Soccer is huge in Colombia, especially that Copa America 2019 is happening right now
- I have been practicing my Spanish a lot and I receive mix reviews about it. It’s either that is pretty good or I have an American accent
- The food here is very good and La Bandeja Paisa is a must!
- After getting lost a couple of times, I am learning how to get around without Google Maps
- I did a Zumba class and it was brutal with all the cardio involved
- I am learning new software applications that I wasn’t familiar before coming in such as Hootsuite, Adobe Photoshop, and Google Ads

- As I finish my first week at the internship, I realize that having a “real” job is actually very time consuming and drains a lot of energy – puts a different perspective of what my first entry-level job will feel like
- My supervisor in charge of creating traffic for clients using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) wants me to get certified in Google Ads to assist him with more clients
- My coworkers are very supportive and funny
- We have a two-hour lunch break; I find it very refreshing :)
This week will be exciting as I will be traveling around more and being involved in more events, so stay tune!