Extending for Another Semester


Yup, the title said it correctly!


I remember arriving at Buenos Aires, Argentina, and thinking to myself, “Wow, this city is beautiful. You have one semester to explore, indulge, and learn in this beautiful place.”

I guess that was me trying to convince myself that staying for one semester is enough. But deep within me, I knew that I was going to figure out how to make staying for another semester possible.

And I did.

Three weeks into the first semester, I was researching last minute scholarships, looking for job opportunities within my school, and talking to my family about making it possible for me to stay longer. At that time, my decision was still to stay for only one semester because of financial means, but I was putting in work and opening myself up to the idea of staying for another semester.

After that, I let it sit for about two months. Why? Well, I did not want to get suffocated with the work of trying to stay for another semester and miss out on the experiences for the first semester. Also, I needed to be sure that this was something that I truly wanted and not something that my friends and teachers influenced me on. I am risking my college plans, so I have to truly want it and know that it is all worth the sacrifice.

Finally, I made my decision with the help of a friend. I told my friend my college plans: go study abroad for one semester; come back and get a head start on internships; and then be finished with college after three years. “I have to always stay ahead of the game and take advantage of time!” I told him.

But then he responded with, “Who are you trying to get ahead of? Yourself?”

That question made me rethink all my plans, and it made me realize that there really is no rush. If I can stay another semester and continue to grow as a person, why not?

Fast forward to November, and everything started to line up financially. Scholarships, paid research, and job opportunities were coming in, and I knew that I would be staying for another semester.

Now, I have officially signed a contract that states that I will be studying abroad in the Spring of 2018, and I could not be happier.

Diana Inguito

Hola! Me llamo Diana Inguito! I am a Sophomore at Pepperdine University majoring in International Business and minoring in Applied Mathematics. I am a blend of two cultures- Filipino and American- and hopefully, I will be able to add Argentine on the list. I was born in the Philippines and lived there for six years. Then, my mom decided to move to the United States in hopes of attaining a better life for our family. Because of this, I remain sensitive to the struggles of people who continuously choose to get back up when social norms shove them down for being different. Under the <a href="https://fundforeducationabroad.org/gluckmann-rausch-go-global-scholarship/">Jane Gluckmann & Carol Rausch Go Global Scholarship</a>, I will be studying abroad with Pepperdine University in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This city is known as the Paris of South America because of the fashion trends, sidewalk cafes, and the hint of french accent when Argentine speak Spanish. I will be there for the fall semester, and I hope to learn about their agro-ecology, history, and the attitude of their people. I am beyond excited to experience tremendous professional and personal growth.