Exciting First Week in Brighton, England




This past week has been filled with many new adventures, in fact I am writing this after just coming back from a field trip to East Sussex. Brighton is a very lovely and lively place that is bigger than I ever imagined. The spring semester started this week and I am thrilled to be taking three classes in the University of Brighton. These classes are Psychology of Wellbeing, Sociology: Mobilisation, Movements, and Protest, and my last class is British Culture. I am already excited for the semester since our class set up is different than what I am used to. The ย social science classes I am taking are divided into two, lecture and seminar. The seminar is focused on discussion, and more one on one group activities since depending our class size the seminars get split into two to four groups.

I had two field trips since arriving in Brighton, to London and to East Sussex both with beautiful views. In London, I saw the Buckingham Palace and the changing of horses. Since we walked around a lot, we got to see Piccadilly Circus, the very ancient shop Fortnum & Mason, Big Ben although it is currently under construction. A day filled with sightseeing culminated with going on the London Eye and afterwards seeing the Alita movie premier show in Leicester Square. Our trip today was around East Sussex, in which we visited Beachy Head, intensely windy today, also visited Alfriston and a church dating back to 1360. After walking around in the small town, we ate at a pub named Six Bells which it too has been around for many years. Our last stop during this trip was at the Battle of Hastings dating back to the 11th century, in which was the last time England was successfully invaded. ย I look forward to every day in Brighton and I’m excited to write solely on Brighton next week.

February 9, 2019