Essays and Essays and Essays (Week #15)


Nina Gaona-Menchavez

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> 안녕하세요! <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> University of Texas at Austin <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2024 <i>Destination city & country:</i> Seoul, South Korea <i>Program provider:</i> – <i>Major/minor:</i> Elementary Education <i>Demographics:</i> Asian/Asian American, First-Generation College Student, Pacific Islander <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> 1. Develop basic Korean language skills and practice it! 2. Explore and immerse myself in Korean culture 3. Create meaningful connections with others

This week, I was mainly focusing on writing my final essays, so I spent hours and hours at cafes typing away. On one of these days, I finished up two of my essays that I had been procrastinating on for so long!! I was so proud and relieved to submit both of them that night. It really was like a weight being lifted off my shoulders.