I arrived in Queretaro, Mexico on the 27th of August. It has been quite an experience. The culture is very different from that of the United States. The people here are very friendly and welcoming. The daily routine is very rewarding though may be overwhelming at times. So far, I have been teaching at OLE Idioma School, our host college, and learning Spanish in the evening. Two times a week, we go to different universities and schools to observe the teaching of English as a second language. It was quite an experience this week at Universidad Marista, and Liceo High School. I had the opportunity to work with students and explain to them some grammar rules. Most of the students I will work with in the US are from a Hispanic background. So, it is quite a worthy experience. My Spanish speaking has really improved, and I am looking forward to getting even better.
I stay with a host family. A retired couple who are very friendly. I enjoy Mexican food, and talk with them every evening to improve my spoken Spanish. We ended the week with a trip to Teotihuacan, the most important historical site of Mexican culture.

Please see the link below for a brief history of the Teotihuacan, the people of the God: https://lahistoriamexicana.mx/antiguo-mexico/cultura-teotihuacana