Emotional Rollcoaster of Culture Shock






Approximately, three weeks has passed since I have been in Costa Rica.  I think I am experiencing “culture shock”. It is inevitable. For the first two weeks, I was very excited about being in a new country and trying new things. I was happy about meeting my Tico family, sightseeing, and trying new foods.  Now, I have passed the  “honeymoon phase”. I miss my family in the United States.  I feel frustrated because I have not been able to speak with them as much as I would like. I miss my son, his love and smiles. I miss the normals of my routines when I was home. I feel like I cannot fit in with others here. I feel like I standout differently from everyone else.  However, I have to constantly remind myself that studying abroad is a “one-in-a-lifetime” chance. I have to take advantage of this opportunity. I am stepping out my comfort zone, so of course, it is going to take some time to adjust to a new culture. I am staying busy to avoid isolation and depression. I have been traveling around the city with my housemates, touring Downtown San Jose, Zapote, and Guadalupe. I have become more accustomed to the city’s public transportation system. I have ridden buses to the central market, bank, and other stores.  During my bus ride today, I reflected on how I am trying new things that I would not ordinarily do in the United States.  I felt a sense of accomplishment. I would never ride the public buses and taxis back in the US because I always have felt afraid and unsafe.  However, since I have been riding in Costa Rica, I think that riding may not be so bad after all. I am more willing to try back at home. Also, since I have been in Costa Rica, I realized that I am more comfortable speaking Spanish with locals. I am able to ask more questions, understand, and respond faster. I am less intimidated to initate a conversation.  Overall, I believe that my experience in Costa Rica is going great, but I just miss home.  I understand that this is all a part of the normal up’s and down’s of culture shock, so I know things will get better. I will continue to be optmistic as I adjust to the wonderful Tico culture. Pura Vida.  

Disclaimer: I am not the originator of the Culture Shock image. Image found through Google Image Search. https://goo.gl/p9cRXe

LaVannah Watt

Hello, my name is LaVannah Watt. I am studying Nursing (RN) and Spanish at the University of Texas, Arlington. I am a member of the Arlington Nursing Studentsโ€™ Association (ASNA), Black Student Nurse Nursing Association (BSNA), and Hispanic Student Nursing Association (HSNA). As a member, I volunteer in the Dallas-Fort Worth community and offer support to incoming and fellow nursing students. I am a 25-year-old single parent who strives daily to be a positive example for my son and family. I demonstrate patience, passion, and purpose as I continue through college in contrast to the โ€œstereotypical normsโ€ placed on single parents by todayโ€™s society. I have endured and conquered many obstacles that most people would perceive as deterrents to achieving their dreams. Because of my life experiences, I am determined to work hard and go beyond the โ€œexpected limitationsโ€. I am taking the initiative to learn, grow, and network to broaden my horizon to life outside of the United States. I have always desired to become a competent Spanish speaker, so I want to fully emerge in the culture. That is why I decided to study abroad in Costa Rica this summer. With this opportunity, I will be studying Medical Spanish and Conflict Resolution in Healthcare. I will learn effective communication and leadership skills that I can integrate into practice upon returning to Texas. I will be able to connect with my patients and fellow colleagues who are fluent speakers. Also, while in Costa Rica, I will be participating in a service-learning program and volunteering at a medical institution to further develop my professional skills as a student nurse. I look forward to learning more about the Spanish language, becoming culturally competent, and immersing myself in the Tico culture. โ€œPura Vida!โ€