Education of Thailand – “Good or Bad, I don’t know”







Hello, I have been very busy lately with class projects and such – which is rather interesting since I want to talk about my experience in the education system compared to my home campus in Wisconsin. :) 

Let me talk about my home campus first. 

1. Instructors are called Professor – Dr. – Master – or Mr. (followed by surname) 

2. Class starts at the time stated. – Class will run 52 minutes or 1 hour and 18 minutes. In extreme cases classes will be three hours line with one break halfway through.

3. Talking while teacher is talking – Extremely disrespectful – Would not happen. 

4. Work is due on the day teacher says. 

5. The follwing grading scale applies 90% and higher will be an A, 80% and higher will be a B, 70% and higher will be a C, and 60% and higher is a D. Anything below 59% is considered failing. 

6. We can wear whatever we want to classes and department offices. 

Okay so let me explain Thai Education (as it applies to Thammasat (Pridi Banonmyong International School)). 

1. All instructors at university in Thailand are referred to as ONLY Adjarn (followed by surname or first name depending on ajarn and their preference) 

2. Class says it starts at 9am (or 1pm for afternoon classes). Make that 9:30 start time. Because all the classes at this University (at least in this program) are 3 hours long. Start time seems to change depending on the Ajarn. 

3. While it is respectful to be quiet while Ajarn is lecturing – many students will still talk (I find this to be very rude and annoying as I usually cannot hear ajarn teaching) 

4. Work is due on the day ajarn says – but if you don’t “Thats okay, just give it to me whenever.” 

5. The following grade scale applies (to most but not all) 80% and better will earn you an A, 70% and better will earn a B, 60% and better will earn a C, and 50% or better will earn you a D. Anything lower than 50% is an F. (also many classes have a 10% grade for attendance) 

6. In the Thai Studies Program it is not mandatory to wear the School Uniform (White Shirt, Black Pants/Skirt, Belt with Thammasat Logo, and Tie (men)/ Pin (women) with Thammasat logo. For other Programs uniform is MANDATORY. To see program office or Ajarn student MUST wear Uniform (or polite dress) if the student wants to be service. 

Interesting Fact with the school Uniform – As a student if i wear my Student Uniform and present my Student ID card I can attend any National monument or Museum free of charge – but if I don’t have Uniform – I will have to pay. – Wearing an uncomfortable outfit has its advantages.  Example – Grand Palace is a fee of 400 baht – which is about 13 USD. Even in the old capitol city of Ayutthaya (Which I will talk about in my next post) has charges that are 5X that of the charge for Thai citizens. 

So yeah – school is pretty intersting – I will add a photo once I get a good one of me at the University. :) Cheers.  

Abraham Martin

<i>*Rainbow Scholarship</i> Hi, my name is Abraham Martin. I am a junior, History Education major at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. I identify as part of the LGTB community and was involved in on-campus events. I am also an advocate for the Disability community in Wisconsin. I currently work with the UW-Platteville campus disability group and the Wisconsin Youth Leadership Forum (YLF), a newly created non-profit organization modeled after Californiaโ€™s YLF. I currently serve as an active board member, treasurer and secretary; while also serving as counselor/facilitator/mentor for the students. I have interests such as self-directed learning, language study, playing piano, and most importantly my work for disability awareness. I intend to study abroad in a non-traditional destination, Thailand. I am the only UW-Platteville student to pursue study abroad in Thailand. I intend to study and volunteer abroad with the same degree of passion as I have here in Wisconsin.