Day 3: Derby walking tour and Derby Jail


Dianelys X Gonzalez

<i>Pronouns:</i> She/her <i>Home Institution:</i> Miami Dade College <i>Expected Graduation:</i> 2023 <i>Major / Minor:</i> Psychology <i>Study Abroad Location:</i> England <i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello <i>Program Provider:</i> Miami Dade College <i>Identity:</i> Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student, Community College Student <i>Future Career Goals:</i> To help those who suffer from PTSD and trauma. <i>Top 3 Goals for your time abroad:</i> 1. Eat as much food 2. Spend time with my classmates and professors 3. Enjoy my time abroad

Day 3 of our journey started out with a light breakfast for me. Some toast with butter and some orange juice. We were all on time in the lobby to go on our walking tour. Our tour guideโ€™s name was Richard, and he was a very nice older gentleman who seemed to love what he does and talks about. He started out at the old Derby courthouse where he talked about the many offenses that you could get jailed for and how the last woman to be convicted of witchcraft in Derby was killed. We moved towards the center of the town, where our path was slightly disturbed by a marathon that was being run at the time. We made our way to the statue that Richard had fundraised for and commissioned for The Bonnie Prince. He talked awhile about how important Bonnie Prince was to Derby and society and then we made our way to the scene of the first and last murder of a police officer in the history of Derby. Joseph Moss was 26 years old at the time of his murder on July 12th, 1879. He was on duty and some drunken couple had shot at him killing him in action. We later made our way to an old jail that Richard ran as a museum. The history of that place was very interesting, and the door of that place had such a morbid backstory to them. I enjoyed learning about how many of the doorโ€™s etchings were done by the prisoners either to turn away evil or to show their eventual deaths. After the walking tour ended, Stephanie, Erika, and I made our way to a Cuban cuisine restaurant. The food was moderately okay, so we went shopping next. We were accompanied by our professor Ms. Espana on our shopping adventure to Primark. I bought several items of clothing and even gifted the Professor with a plush of her favorite Disney Character Donald Duck. Unfortunately, she got a little too excited and ended up scratching my face, however, she felt bad about the incident but honestly, I paid no mind because it was an accident and not intentional. On our way back home with the professor, we stumbled upon a church and discovered that that church was the church where Florence Nightingale used to treat the sick during the Crimean War. She lived to be almost 100 years old. We lit some candles in the Chapel and said some prayers. Later that night we had our welcome dinner at a very nice restaurant. The food, however, was not the best. We ended the night going back home and noticing how light out it was despite it being 9 oโ€™clock at night.