Culture shock






For the last couple of days in Kathmandu, my group checked into a super fancy hotel to present our research projects, complete program evaluations, and begin the “re-entry” period. Stepping into our hotel began the culture shock that I’m expecting to experience when I return to the US. Having been accustomed to hotels consisting of a couple of rooms, where you share a bathroom with other guests, arriving at a place that not only offers large, luxurious rooms with all amenities included, we found there was also a spa, gym, pool, large dining room with delicious food – even a bar (with internationally priced drinks). Am I still in Nepal? 

I guess this is the beginning of our culture shock. Even if I were in America this would be considered a fancy hotel, so maybe this is our academic director’s way of showing us what to expect when we are not living in a developing country anymore.

I have to say I’ll miss the inconsistencies, inconveniences and irregularities of Nepal. Although when trying to arrive at the program center on time the microbus stopping to attract passengers every two minutes might be a little frustrating, I will definitively miss the exhilaration of hopping on a bus that looks as though it had been over capacity about 20 people ago. I’ll miss the cows walking down the street amongst the cars, driving on all sides of the road. I’ll miss the spontenaity of never knowing whether or not the store you’re trying to get to will be open or not. For all these frustrations throughout the semester were worth, I know I’ll always miss them, because to me, that’s what Nepal is, what Nepal is defined by. 

Claire Cohen

Hi! My name is Claire and I'm currently a junior at the University of Colorado in Boulder pursing a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. I grew up just outside of the city of Chicago and spent many childhood summers visiting my dad in rural New Mexico. I'm very passionate about my academic interests and hope to go on to eventually receive a PhD in Sociology. My specific interests are inequality, social justice and responsibility as well as gender issues. The study abroad program I've selected incorporates these subjects. I will be studying the themes of development and social change in Kathmandu, Nepal for one semester. I'm most excited to complete an independent research project during my stay. I will be exploring the political progress of the Dalit population, the lowest social caste in Nepal. The Dalits were once considered an untouchable group of individuals; I wish to explore their recent integration into society as well as the barriers they continue to experience. Participating in this program will prepare me to undertake sociological research while I am in graduate school as well as in my professional career. I plan on applying for the Peace Corps upon my graduation from CU, and living in Nepal will give me the opportunity to experience life in a nation the Peace Corps serves.