Best Decision Abroad: Visiting Montserrat


In the last week of my study abroad experience in Barcelona, I faced a challenging decision. My program director had given the entire class free tickets to visit a monastery on top of the hill of Montserrat about a two away from the city, however it was not a mandatory trip. I knew I had a lot on my plate with final assignments due, and the biggest factor influencing my decision was whether or not I could make the time to take the trip out there.

While the place wasn’t at the top of my list of places to visit in Barcelona due to the distance, I spoke to someone at the co-working space where my classes were held to seek their opinion. They shared that Montserrat offered incredible views and was less crowded with tourists, and from then on I was convinced that I would have to make the time to make the day-trip.

To ensure I had enough time for everything, I planned to finish my assignments earlier than expected and I did this by working more efficiently in the coworking spaces at the student housing complex which stay open pretty late. I would come home from class and instead of working from my dorm room which offers a lot of distractions, I would go downstairs and work until I finished an assignment.

Finally, on Thursday, July 27, I made the trip and was very happy about the decision I had made because my experience at Montserrat exceeded my expectations. The cathedral’s beauty and the breathtaking views from the remote village made it a surreal and unforgettable experience.

During my time abroad, I have noticed that I have become more comfortable at handling challenging situations and making important decisions. The easy access of public transportation options in Barcelona has made it easier to explore new parts of the city and be more independent. Venturing to new places has also made me more open-minded and self-confident, knowing that I can navigate safely and enjoy myself in unfamiliar territories.