Ballet at the Opéra
This week I saw a Bobbi Jhene Smith Ballet at the Palais Garnier in Paris! While expecting tutus, I was taken aback by this contemporary masterpiece featuring light, flowy dresses and symbolisms of love, life, and death. What I loved most about the ballet was that it was open to each individual’s interpretation, so I highly recommend booking a ticket when visiting Paris! The Opéra was initially known as “Salle des Capucines” due to its location but was later renamed the Palais Garnier in memory of its architect Charles Garnier. Napoleon III commissioned it to modernize the city in 1861, and it is mainly used for ballets today. As one of the most famous opéra houses in the world, the rooms are filled with intricate details from the paintings to the floors. I was astonished by the experience and aspire to attend another ballet someday!