Back in Town




I have now started my second semester abroad here in Paris after a nice Christmas break. In-fact, I, along with some of my other American friends here, went back home to San Francisco to spend the holidays with my family. I returned to Paris after a couple weeks with family back home and here I m now. I am just finishing up my first week of classes at my French university. If I’m being completely honest, it was a bit weird to get back adjusted to Paris when I first came back, but not for the reasons one might think. When I booked my flight for back home, I was a bit worried that going home would make me realize how much I missed being back there and maybe make me not want to stay in Paris for another semester, but this was not the case. Even before I left, I was looking forward to coming back and I still was even at the airport. What took some adjusting for me was the fact that a lot of our close friends were only spending one semester abroad and a lot of them went back home, so once I got back, it was a bit off-putting to not have the usual routine of seeing them and hanging out with them. It was odd because they were gone, yet life still continued here in Paris; the study abroad experience doesn’t stop until May or June for me, so we went about our days and I was glad that my (Paris) best friend was still here for the year and so were a good amount of us. We did the usual and hung out by exploring places and doing things in and around Paris. The two attached pictures are from when we went to Versailles and that’s me in one of them; the one of the Tower is when we got back into the city and it was lit up like the European Union flag because France just assumed the rotating presidency of the European Council. All-in-all, it’s been a nice few weeks back in Paris and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store, so be sure to stay-tuned!