Alone but not lonely


Before studying abroad, I feared not befriending anyone or ending up alone. Excluded from conversations or hangouts. Only to end up alone in my room when I couldโ€™ve gone out by myself.

Iโ€™d be left with zero memories. Not ones Iโ€™d one to relive anyway.

Over the course of my study abroad, Iโ€™ve come to further learn how much I enjoy and need alone time. Knowing I could have the company of others and still enjoying that but dedicating time and space for myself. I came in knowing nobody so I needed to push myself to interact with others. But I also knew Iโ€™d have to be alone from time to time. After the program, I wouldnโ€™t see most of these people either. Iโ€™d slowly enjoyed my present with and without them.

I started forcing myself to go out alone whether it was a cafรฉ, park, or store. My own mind had made the situation seem 100x scarier. But Iโ€™d be journaling in the park or sitting in a cafe absolutely fine.

When I hung out with people, there were two things I kept in mind. Knowing who I genuinely like being around. The people who allow me to myself and donโ€™t coerce me into things. The second thing is doing activities that they also enjoyed doing. I knew I didnโ€™t need to always be alone and sometimes I really shouldnโ€™t be.

Now I canโ€™t say I donโ€™t feel or havenโ€™t felt isolated anymore. Itโ€™s a feeling that comes and goes. But it can be worked on.

Prior to this, Iโ€™ve carried that feeling with me. It didnโ€™t go away. But I did feel it less intensely when I did feel it. I just find myself feeling it from time to time.