Darwin Leyva Ayala
<i>Home Institution</i>: Brandeis University
<i>Expected Graduation Year</i>: 2024
<i>Academic Major / Minor</i>: Business & International and Global Studies
<i>Destination</i>: Madrid, Spain
<i>"Hello" in your host country's language</i>: Hola
<i>Program Provider</i>: IES
<i>Demographics</i>: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation College Student
<i>Future Career Goals</i>: My future career goals include working for an international company working as a quantitive data analyst or consultant to a global scale, in hopes to find a job that lets me live and work abroad to do business all over the world.
<i>Top Three Study Abroad Goals</i>: I hope to try and enjoy as much food as I can, enjoy traveling all over the country and beyond, and immerse myself into the culture of lifestyle of those around me.