Final Week in Copenhagen !!!


My final week in Copenhagen was bittersweet because I was just starting to get used to living as a Dane. I was getting used to my roommates and fellow classmates, and I pretty much knew how to get myself around town by either walking or using public transportation. Since last week was busy for my class due to us implementing our activities, we had a four day weekend. On Tuesday, our class went to visit a museum outside of Copenhagen that was about how people lived in the 16th, 17th,18th,19th and early 20th century. While we were there we were able to have a tour guide explain to us what types of games children played. We saw how people lived back in the day and we were able to distinguish between affluence households and poor households.
During our last day of class we wrote small letters to future DIS students about how to make the best out of their study abroad experience. After we were finished with our letters, we had a discussion about the overview of topics we covered in class and what we learned about child development in Denmark. Our professor asked our class what is one thing we wish we could take from the Danish education system and incorporate into the American education system? One thing I wished the American education system can take from Danes is I wish that schools were different based on income status. In Denmark every child has the same educational opportunities don’t matter if you come from a rich or poor family background. One thing research has proven is if a country has a population that is educated then crime rate is completely low. Before we headed to lunch, the last thing we did in class is get in a circle and one by one every person read their letter that they wrote to future DIS students. To end our amazing time in Denmark, we went to lunch and had one final class social gathering.
My experience in Denmark was hectic, stressful, fun, and rewarding. My journey in Copenhagen started out rough due to missing my flight, experiencing racism, being broke, and dealing with homesickness. Their were plenty of times when I wanted to give up and come back home because in my mind I could not handle being abroad. Once I started to put myself out their and get out of my comfort zone I started to enjoy and appreciate my experience in Denmark. Not everybody gets the opportunity to study abroad, so I am grateful that I was allowed to call Copenhagen my home for seven weeks. I want to thank Central Michigan University (CMU), fund for education abroad, and DIS for giving me the once in a life time opportunity to study abroad. I also want to thank my parents and sibling for encouraging me to not give up and come home despite the numerous of problems I encounter abroad. For now on, I want to travel outside the U.S once a year and get an insight about another country culture.