Never Can Say Goodbye


Never Can Say Goodbye

The most difficult part about being comfortable in foreign settings is saying goodbye. I came to France with a goal. To learn the language, to make beautiful memories, and to make connections with the most beautiful people on the planet. Each goal of mine were surpassed. After trips to Belgium, Paris, and other French cities. Picnics, arguments, and problems on the metro, it has been extremely difficult to think about giving my new lifestyle up. I feel that I can never say goodbye.

The institute,

The place that taught me the perfect French. How to be formal, when and what context to use certain words, and who not to use them with. I remember being angry at you after having placed in a low level. But that challenge ended up being the greatest for me. I still learned French, I stressed never about the school aspect of this experience, and in these two 3 classrooms lied the greatest professors anyone could ask for. Friday after class was a hard goodbye, as I donโ€™t know if there will ever be a moment when I can return, if not. Thank you.

The guinguette,

Porte de Loire. The hangout spot for all of the young, and a few crazy people as well. This is where I learned French slang, met French people, and used the tools of school to have a correct portrayal of the language. I would spend nights here until 4am, knowing that I need to get home for school the next day. But it was all well worth it. I remember saying, โ€œI will sleep when I get to the United States.โ€

And that was just what happened. I would get pimples, sacrifice showers because I was coming home too late, and be so exhausted, but I have never learned so much. It was worth being able to go out every night and see the beautiful atmosphere of la guinguette. Tonight, I will hit the humidity of Orlando, FL, and itโ€™s going to be weird to not be sitting on the river on this beautiful Saturday night.

Chez moi,

You know, those three flights of stairs never got easier. When the heat wave came, I did not think that I would make it. But now that it is over, Iโ€™m wishing to be in my personal sauna. It feels like six weeks just was not enough time to get to know you. You were small like most French houses, but so elegant, and so classy, and I will forever cherish your beauty. Dinners at home were a culture shock. Iโ€™m used to getting my dinner and taking it to the back room and watching Netflix alone, like most American families. With you, I ate 5 days a week, each day at 7:30. Just that alone gave us a unique relationship, and Iโ€™ll miss you the most.

These three places are the places I spent the most time in France. I learned character, sacrifice, and so much more. Iโ€™m exhausted from crying, but I know that I will be back in due time. All good things come to an end, but this end was just too soon. –