Three days, just under 72 hours, until I leave my comfy life in West Virginia to go to Zanzibar for the semester. My nerves are being settled as I read people’s posts stating their dread for the forthcoming semester at home. I, howver, am elated to be able to have such a great opportunity to study abroad again. To give a little background, I spent the summer of 2011 studying Swahili at the University of Dar es Salaam and volunteered at a clinic in the city. This experience incited a love for the region and a desire to return as soon as possible. I am going to study Coastal Ecology and Natural Resource Management through SIT. I am really excited to be able to study abroad during the school year as a person majoring in the sciences. If you would have told me in 2009 that I would be going abroad twice during my undergraduate career, I would have laughed. The next time you will hear from me, I will be 8 time zones and nearly 14,000 kilometers from where I sit.