2 key cultural differences between the US and the Middle East.






The last Arabic related class that I took before coming to the Middle East wasnโ€™t actually about learning the language but rather about GILT (that is, Globalization Internationalization, Localization, and Translation). We spent our time delving into issues businesses might face when extending their operations across international borders. Transplanting a product or service from one country to another isnโ€™t just transcribing the brand name and translating the description. It requires a method of adapting the product and its appeal from the originating culture to the host culture. To aid in the development of these methods, businesses look to cultural frameworks to determine how their business will be received and what improvements can be made.

Before coming to the Middle East, I revisited the cultural framework of Fons Trompenaar to give me an idea of what was in store for me and how I can prepare myself to adapt to this new way of life and two dimensions have been noticeable from day 1.

Time PerceptionSynchronous Time vs Sequential Time

The United States has whatโ€™s called a Sequential perception of time. This means that people generally prefer things to happen in order as expected and typically people will get a little tickled if theyโ€™re running a little late. In my short time in the Middle East itโ€™s very apparent that people here have a synchronous perception of time. Meaning the past present and future are kind of blended into each other and flexibility is necessary in order to function in this society.

Perhaps what Iโ€™ve noticed most directly is how much time is spent in cafes and at dinner. I was with a small group of students at a cafรฉ and we didnโ€™t need to be back at school for about two hours and so we sat at a cafรฉ and ordered some smoothies. We told the server that weโ€™d be there for a while and after about an hour and a half we decided to get up and leave. The server was actually surprised we were leaving so soon! Apparently itโ€™s typical to spend 2,3, even 4 hours in a cafรฉ. Although Iโ€™m still adjusting, it definitely seems less stressful than how things are in the US.

Ties to the communityIndividualism vs Communitarianism

Anyone that knows anything about anything about the US knows that we pride ourselves in Independence. People take pride in being able to take care of themselves all the way into old age. Another stark contrast to the US is that Jordanians are emotionally invested in their community, are very quick to try to build relationships with the people around them, and taking care of the family is a huge priority. Coming from a Latino culture this is definitely something I value and am used to.

Ever since Iโ€™ve read about them it feels much easier to adapt to and appreciate Jordanian culture rather than to just brush off some things as weird or even archaic. I try to be wary of the danger of overgeneralizing and stereotyping a group of people, especially here in the Middle East.  However, delving into the motivations that act as a catalyst for certain behaviors has been a useful tool for me and I recommend it to anyone who plans to study abroad!


Another useful framework is Geert Hofstedeโ€™s cultural framework:geert-hofstede.com/Jordan.html

Shout out to Dr. Smith for being the coolest GILTy person I know!

Martha Ramos

<i>*Texas Scholarship</i> Marhaba! My name is Martha and Iโ€™m a student at the University of Texas at Arlington and Iโ€™m a huge nerd for all things related to language so naturally I chose linguistics as my major and Arabic my minor and upon graduating I will have earned my TESOL certificate that will enable me to teach English abroad (Inshaโ€™allah!). In my senior year of college, I had an abrupt change of plans when my dream job suddenly was no longer a possibility for me for astronomical reasons beyond my control. I had to rethink my career plans but as the old adage goes, when one door closes, another one opens! I delved into my language studies and am now torn between the possibilities of my future! Teaching English in Latin America or the Middle East is most definitely in my future! I hope to spend some time in the Peace Corps after graduating from UTA and later on contribute to the conservation of Endangered Languages while pursuing my graduate degree. This Summer Iโ€™ll be traveling to Jordan in an effort to refine my Arabic and acquire a glimpse into the lives of my future students.While Iโ€™m there I hope to volunteer in an ESL classroom and teach English to local Jordanians. The Scholarship from FEA has made real for me the opportunity that up until recently was just slightly out of reach and I look forward to such an experience.