! أفضل رحلة على الإطلاق


As with many excursions in Egypt, my camping trip to Egypt’s Black and White Desert has been the best trip I have been on thus far. My friends and I went hiking then camping for two days and saw amazing landscapes!

On our first day, we climbed dunes at the Black Desert, and it felt so surreal, because the view was amazing. Then our next stop was the Crystal Mountain at the Agbat Valley, which was about an hour and a half away. The hills were made out of clear-like crystals, and luckily, we got there just in time to see the sunset. We eventually got to our camping site, and though it was cold at night, the stars and moon in the sky made up for it. On the second day, we went to a sand canyon, which was a bit further from our camping site, and we took really cool pictures together.

This trip made me appreciate the smaller things in life even more, and I am glad that I got the opportunity to experience this with the amazing friends that I have made here.