Deviation from the Normal Routine






The second week of classes is coming to a close. I have gotten into a good plan for managing my time. So far I have been able to do my homework and reading far enough in advance that my weekends are free. So what to do with that free time?

Some of the other international students like to drink soju during free time. Previously I have tried it, but now is not the appropriate place or time for that. Instead, I will go to bed my usual time with a clear mind. After that, I will wake up and volunteer.

Tomorrow morning I will go to a nearby public kindergarden for the first time. The teachers at that school were recruiting native English speaking students. I answered the call. I am so excited! I do not know what to expect. However, I am aware of the importance of this task. As human beings, it is critical that we nurture and educate the children.

Back in 1998 (which feels like a century ago) I was a kindergarden student. My teacher taught us the Golden Rule. She made us learn and practice how to, “Treat others the way you wish to be treated.” My goal is to somehow get this message across to the next generation. I have modest expectations. I will approach this goal patiently. From now on, I will volunteer at the kindergarden once a week until the end of the semester. Wish me luck!

Brandon Morrissette

<i>*BASAA Scholarship</i> Anyong friends! I am Brandon Morrissette. I study Finance at Plymouth State University. In the past before college, I worked in the hospitality industry. I was born and raised in a small rural town in the far northern part of New Hampshire. I will study two semesters at Korea University in Seoul. My goal from this experience is to be able to read, write, and speak Korean language at a fourth grade level. I want to travel to all places in Asia. This is because at work I met many friendly, interesting people from that continent. I chose Korea in particular as the result of gentle persuasion from my Korean friends. My favorite academic subject is economics. When I am not studying for my classes, I enjoy learning about Buddha and Confucius. I intend on doing many temple visits. In Korea, I look forward to being reunited with a co-worker who is really dear to me and that I have not seen for 5 years. In addition to seeing old friends, I look forward to meeting many new ones. I also look forward to eating delicious food in Korea. It is possible that I love food because I did not have the best food when I was a growing up. After study abroad and graduation, my goal is to financially support my whole family.