Words and phrases Duolingo should’ve taught me


When I meet locals in Italy, I describe myself as an American student studying abroad. To those who inquire and get to know me more, I elaborate on my upcoming transitional home for felons. Since I’m overseas, people are a lot more understanding as some European countries have more rehabilitative prisons. Most people that I’ve talked to about my dreams have told me that it’s good work and they’ve heard such and negative things about the American prison industry. I believe when I get back I will have a slightly different elevator pitch. So many people in America are under the impression of don’t do the time if you can’t do the crime but won’t put on their turn signal and risk taking lives everyday. People in Europe seem to value others lives more than we do in America. A change to my elevator pitch would include the compassion that I’ve witnessed from my host countries in taking care of us. There has to be a way to get America to see another side.

I wish I would’ve known certain phrases such as:


-what is the best place for food around here?

-thank you for being nice

-is there another option/way?

-how do you do this?

-defensive words for difficult conversations with locals

-can I have extra towels/sheets/pillows

-This is not what I ordered

These are phrases in would offer to someone visiting the US.

-where can i find an exchange bank?

-what is the best place for food around here?

-local names for transportation

-emergency numbers

-how do I get to….?

-food names

  • I just ran into two Italian men Who did not know the word for wallet, so basic necessita.
Alexandria Thomas