Adjusting just fine!


Will Morales

<i>Home Institution</i>: Mt. San Antonio College <i>Expected Graduation Year</i>: 2023 <i>Academic Major / Minor</i>: Sociology & Gender Studies <i>Destination</i>: Madrid, Spain <i>"Hello" in your host country's language</i>: Hola <i>Demographics</i>: Hispanic/Latinx, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student, Community College Student, Transfer Student, Returning/Adult Learner, LGBTQ+ <i>Future Career Goals</i>: I plan on doing research and becoming a Gender studies professor, hopefully expanding it to the community college level. <i>Top Three Study Abroad Goals</i>: My top three goals would be exploring learning about the history and culture; Challenge the way I think, comparing cultures on how we are different and how we are similar; Develop a global mindset, a better understanding of global issues.

Being in Madrid has been an amazing experience and one I wonโ€™t forget! In this blog Iโ€™ll talk about some of the culture shocks and stuff I had to get used to or stuff we should have back at in the U.S that just makes sense.

Letโ€™s start off with some of the culture shocks I had to get used to. Iโ€™ve talked about eating out which cafes are the best and easiest places to eat but when it comes to dinner it can be somewhat difficult.

For starters some restaurants donโ€™t start serving food until 8pm and are reservation only. You arenโ€™t able to just walk up to a restaurant and put your name down unless itโ€™s fast food or a bar.

Water isnโ€™t free if you ask for water youโ€™ll get a bottle of water.

Restaurants and service is not quick so you are in a hurry itโ€™s best not to stop. After lunch or dinner they have sombresa which is where you just stay and hang out and talk to your friends or family at the table enjoying each otherโ€™s company.

My favorite thing is the Menu del dia! Which includes an appetizer, entree, dessert, and a drink for only 10 euros.

I have gotten my dates mixed up because it is Day/Month/Year so it can get a bit confusing.

Tostadas and tortillas are different from what Iโ€™m used to back home being Mexican I had different expectations. A tostada isnโ€™t a fried tortilla but rather toasted bread and a tortilla isnโ€™t a flat dough but instead eggs and potatoes.

Tips are not required or even an option in restaurants.

Thereโ€™s also siesta times from 2-5 where people get to relax and take breaks or run errands etcโ€ฆ unless youโ€™re in the center of the city it might be difficult to get something you need so itโ€™s smart and helpful to stock up on what you need the day before.

Iโ€™m also used to shopping for groceries for the week or two weeks in advance but here Iโ€™m spain itโ€™s more common to shop for 2-3 days or stop by the grocery store when needed. Groceries are so cheap compared to the US and one thing I was surprised about was dairy products are not refrigerated like the eggs and milk.

When it comes to public transportation it is so easy and manageable but when it comes to bus drivers they can be impatient and wonโ€™t stop unless you signal them or if you take to long to get on theyโ€™ll drive off so you need to be quick and know what bus you need to take.

Everyone dressed up you wonโ€™t see many people wearing athletic wear to run errands.

Smoking cigarettes is a big part of the culture everywhere you go someone is smoking even while having lunch or dinner.

Things that just make sense are that everyone takes card I havenโ€™t had issues when it comes to paying, which I thought was going to be an issue and need to have euros but that wasnโ€™t the case.

Taxes are included in the price and printed on the tag.

The metro is super fun and easy to use traveling anywhere is quick and efficient.

They have some unspoken rules that everyone follows. When walking on the sidewalk there is one side for each way you have to walk. On an escalator you stay on the right side if youโ€™re not in a hurry and the left is used for people who walk up the escalator to get to their destination quicker. The city is very respectful and safe when it comes to travelers.

Public restrooms are clean and even have a scrubber in all of them to clean afterwards if needed.

Saving electricity is a big issue so lights are motion sensored or set on timers.

These are some of the things I have learned to get used to it was a bit of a struggle but once I knew it was easy to get the hang of things. The more time goes on the more like a local I feel.