Overcoming homesickness & embracing my solo traveler era


Tazrean Hossain

<i>"Hello" in your host country's language:</i> Hello <i>Home Institution (your U.S. University/College):</i> Wellesley College <i>Expected graduation year:</i> 2024 <i>Destination city & country:</i> London, United Kingdom <i>Program provider:</i> SOAS University of London <i>Major/minor:</i> Women's & Gender Studies and South Asian Studies <i>Demographics:</i> Asian/Asian American, South Asian, First-Generation American, First-Generation College Student, LGBTQ+, Person with an intellectual disability <i>Future career aspirations:</i> I'm interested in the fields of government, law, and public policy! Right now, I'm most interested in becoming a lawyer or working in local government. <i>Top 3 goals for your time abroad:</i> Immerse myself in the diverse communities London has to offer, practice independent living, and get really involved with student life at my university!

There are four stages of cultural adaptation: the honeymoon phase, culture shock and homesickness, recovery, and adjustment. Some people who study abroad experience all of these phases, and some stay firmly in one or two. Recently, Iโ€™ve just come out of the culture shock and homesickness phase. Letโ€™s go into what that looks like for a low-income student of color and how we can manage it.

As a low-income student on a tight budget, Iโ€™ve felt more isolated from the friends Iโ€™ve made here who donโ€™t have the same concerns. Some of them hold different attitudes about money and notions about what is cheap versus expensive, making travel plans and day-to-day socializing difficult to navigate.

Iโ€™m reminded that studying abroad is typically an expensive venture. Before I knew about scholarships like FEA, studying abroad seemed only for the ultra-wealthy. That hasnโ€™t completely changed. Many of the people I meet here are notably wealthier than me and demonstrate how studying abroad is still inaccessible to so many. Iโ€™m grateful to have this opportunity because of FEA and Gilman, but there are still not enough people like me pursuing study abroad. I felt lonely, and took these initiatives to overcome it:

1. I have distant relatives here in London who I reached out to and met up with. Though I didnโ€™t know them prior to coming here, I still felt a kinship with them, and being part of their family dynamics helped me with my homesickness.

2. I reached out to friends from my home university who are studying nearby and hung out with them. When youโ€™re constantly spending time with new people, itโ€™s hard to feel like your most authentic self. So spending time with my old friends truly felt like a breath of fresh air.

3. Finally, I reframed my loneliness into a โ€œsolo traveler era.โ€ I was always scared to travel alone, but here, Iโ€™m trying something new. Iโ€™ve only been here for a month, and everyone Iโ€™ve met has different goals for their study abroad experience. So it makes sense that I wonโ€™t always have a travel buddy, and I donโ€™t want to lose the limited time I have here stressing over finding oneโ€”especially when I could just as easily travel alone! Iโ€™ve been keeping a list of places I want to visit, and planning to hit two to three spots a week. If I find people to go with, thatโ€™s great. If not, thatโ€™s okay! Embracing the concept of solo traveling ensures I fulfill all my personal goals of studying abroad and leave here with no regrets.

Itโ€™s absolutely okay to let yourself commiserate at first, but remember the only way out is through. Picking yourself back up makes all the difference. Remember, at the end of the day, youโ€™re in a new, exciting place. No matter what is going on around you, that on its own is something to want to make the best of.

Pictured: day trip to Dover Beach with my home friend Eleanor & my solo trip to Chinatown!